What is reality?

What is reality?
There seems to be some debiety.
I am here to bring some clarity..
In reality,
There is no infinity,
No nulity,
Only relativity.

In this true virtuality,
There is only instability,
and an attempt to reach solidity.
In this attempt to overcome adversity,
Man must contemplate acuality,
Cause it is this that can bring out sensibility,
from his egoity.

In his attempt to be a part of community,
One mustn't forget individuality
and must spread his message to posterity.

For life is full of uncertainty,
be in a state of flexibility.
For the world is an sea of cruelty,
be an ocean of serenity.
For mankind represents imperfectability,
represent perfectibility.
For the mean of men are nothing but mediocrity,
be the force and bring about renormalizability.
All this scrutiny,
For subjunctivity
is a function of  zweckrationality.

To bring this indidputability to a equilibrimity,
let us conclude with validity....
"One must stretch his capability,
to reach Immortality,
and leave the rest to the Almighty."


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