The ambiguity of summer holidays.

I speak with experience.
I have been through 12 summer vacations and still, I have no certainty as to how to use them..

It all starts in the pre-exam my mind, I start to build lofty dreams as to how I will spend my "dream vacation".I think about all the things that will set my mind afoot and take me to that Utopian land of pleasure.
At that point of time, I realize that all said and done, I was to prepare well and do well in my second  summative exams.i.e final exams.
And most of the time, it does fare out well.

For the first 2-3 days of summer break, one can feel the barriers that he has broken. I come to a sudden realization that I have actually finished my exams.(which seemed to have lasted forever).

I incur the feeling of satisfaction.I mean....real satisfaction....
One starts to feel as if he has accomplished a tour de force.

And that is when the downfall begins.
One struggles to find his feet and actually do productive stuff.
All those soaring fair visions come crashing down.

The wierdiest part is doesn't even realiZe as to how fast his/her mind comes down from  ecstasy to the lowly form of apathy.
sure, there were times when I tried out summer camps.But what is the point of a break if one continues to do the routine system of school activities..the same old yoga..the same old art.....

The best way to spend time in summer is to sweat it out..
But, because of 'physical restrictions', this is usually limited to a maximum of 5 hours.

So, this year has been particularly tough cause there was a huge build up to the 10th final exams and hence, when it got over, there was a huge tension release and there was a want to break free....and for some of us like me, it has been very tough,.

This is not the type of article that tells you that one has to figure out what to do oneself.
Don't worry...i'm not even goin' to make suggestions cause...................i don't know how to 'face' summer vacations myself!!!!

I guess it is fun to try out something new.....and that is what I am trying out this time round.
I do have a couple of friends who make (supposedly) good use of their time.
But I wouldn't necessarily call studying,slogging and finishing the next years portions a "good use of time", for after-all, summer break is supposed to be a god-damn BREAK.

well..cliche..but true..

anyway..blogging doesn't seem to be a bad way time to use time.


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