
This one is about my 10th class trip to Kerala.
There is always some kinda jitters attached to the '10th trip phenomenon'.
I will try my best to put the trip details across.
This was the first time that I had to manage alone for such a long time.
So, my dad was like, "Make sure you do this........that.........take this medicine,put your used clothes here....". Basically he was a 100 times more nervous than me.Actually, so was the rest of the family.
I had actually finished packing the previous night, but on the day of the trip, my dad saw the status of my suitcase and decided to repack.....it actually turned out to be a 'last-minute pack'.

We were asked to 'report' at 2:30p.m and I reached there on time.
At first, we were all like--"Look at this guy dude...he got two suitcases!......look at that guy's shoes....it looks classy". Frankly, I am very happy that I went into the trip with no expectations. Many people didn't take this approach and were all over the itinerary....I kinda feel sad for them. So,we waved our good byes and took off in the bus. Throughout the trip, there was a conscious effort to separate the boys and girls...(no comments).

We got off at the railway station.....and there began my selfie journey.
You see, I don't possess a phone and thus when a gadget(this case,,a camera) comes into my hand,..I went berserk.
Then, our much awaited train( Kochuveli 16315) arrived.
My friends and I were lucky to catch a full cabin(if i were to call it that) with 8 seats.[credits--Gokul]
After that, the real fun began.
My dear friend,Ash let me listen to some classical music on his phone.
We were relatively excited about dinner, but, turned out to be some spicy biryani made using cheap quality rice.
We were traveling in a 3-tier sleeper coach and since I hadn't traveled in a 3 tier before, I decided to take the uppermost berth. My friends (pranav,viraj,ravoori,gokul,vittal,rishab) were very keen on staying awake the whole night. I actually wanted to get some shut-eye cause we were into a long 3- day trip . However, with such kinda friends,it was near impossible). I was only able to sleep in bits and pieces(cause they kept waking me up). Once, Vittal came into my ears and started chanting...tea...cafee........tea.........cafee........tea...cafee.......seriously, what can you do about it?
There was this other time when Rishab started to play loud dubstep tracks in my ear...I hope you got my point.....
Then at one point, I realised that it was no point and I started taking selfies.

After some time, we reached Alluva.
From there, we drove for 4 hours to Munnar.
This drive was really weird coz many guys weren't used to the "ghat section drive" and thus got motion-sick and started puking.

Then, we reached our destination and had breakfast at blu-haze.

Then, there was a huge debate among us, boys as to why the girls got the better accommodation.
But then hey!...we got the opportunity to crib and they didn't!!
My room-mates(mayank,grandhi,pranav) and I checked in to room 407--tea castle.

Fortunately,we were really lucky to have a good view of Munnar (when we stood in the balcony).
All of us had a quick shower (grandhi-- a particularly long one)
Then,we went back to blu-haze for a luncheon.

At this point, i must mention that I wasn't really satisfied with the food quality....instead of serving us authentic kerala cuisine, all we were served was sweet aloo-gobi(in every hotel).

After playing a little Frisbee, we headed out to madupetty dam and surrounding areas.
This was the core part of the Munnar part of the trip.
Firstly, we went to the backwaters and got some awesome pictures.

Then we went shopping and bought some souvenirs.
Then, we went to the local tea shop and bought some tea to take back home.

We drove back to blu-haze and.............we were in for a suprise.......it was DJ night.

We had a lot of fun.I was able to socialize like never before.
After an hour or so, we had something that was supposed to be dinner and then we celebrated  Sachiten's birthday and then went to bed after watching 'pawn stars' in Hindi(I slept late cause it took me time to laugh myself out).

After,the morning rituals, we set out to Kochi.
We reached Rivera suites(our place of stay) after about 4 hours.

After a quick lunch, we left to see Kochi.
We started with the harbor.
We got on a boat cruise which took us around some island.
we were playing bluff and I actually managed to win once.
Then, we got down at jewtown and visited a a museum with all the heirlooms of  Kochi rajas.
Next,we headed of to jewstreet.This was one the  highlights because of the sheer feel it gave me.
It was a street filled with antiques and collectibles..
Then we traveled towards the mainland where we saw the Chinese fishing nets and how they caught fish.Again, we came back to the cruise boat and traveled to the place from where we had got on.Then, we boarded our buses...and most unexpectedly, we went LULU hypermarket.It was supposed to be one of the bigger malls around and guess what?.....we had 20 minutes to spend there.So, basically, we couldn't even window-shop. I managed to catch a bag of french fries with my friend,Mayank.

Then,it was finally time to retire for the day.

This night-stay was more fun than the other ones because of the fact that 12 of us stayed together this time around.
However,the next day was

 After a one hour drive(during which I played Uno with Vish),we reached veegaland.

I started with the land drives and the best one was the 'twin flip monster'.

After a very short lunch break(obviously),I headed for the water rides.
I have to admit,this was when the real"wonderla thrill" began.
I have to admit, I had a great time with my friends.I enjoyed vertical fall, boomerang and thunder splash in particular.
From there, we directly headed to the railway station.At this point, a couple realized that we hadn't bought banana chips.So, we ran to shop and put up our best bargain and bought a couple of packets.
We had a fillin' dinner, and by the time we did so, the train arrived.
I wasn't able to scoot with my friends,but, hey....life goes on.

This trip taught me a lot of important stuff.
The most important one of them all was......TO CELEBRATE LIFE. 


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